Death Notice for Margaret Gilchrist

Margaret Gilchrist

Margaret Gilchrist


17 March, 2014

Margaret Gilchrist (née McNeill), late of Chapeltown, Ardglass, passed away on March 17. R.I.P. Dearly beloved wife of Francis and much loved mother of Damian, Nuala, Anna and Fiona, mother-in-law to Danielle, and loving grandmother to Nicola and Keeva, dear daughter of Maud and the late Niall, and sister of Colm, Brian, Eugene and Paul. Removal from her late residence on Tuesday (March 18) at 7 p.m. to St. Mary’s Church, Dunsford (for directions, see right). Requiem Mass will be held on Wednesday (March 19) at 12 noon. Interment to follow in the adjoining graveyard. Family flowers only please. Donations in lieu of flowers may be made (for details, see right). A Mhuire na nGael, guigh ar a hannam.


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